How Important Is Equality In Children’s Programming?

For several decades children’s television shows have attempted to promote diversity and represent all ethnicities. The cast of characters resembling a UNICEF ad is now the expected norm, but is it enough?  Diversity has been redefined since the 70s, and  it takes more than mimicking the united nations  to reflect that. What about the children who are excluded?  Every child cast in children’s programming seems to perfectly fit in with societal norms,  however that’s not every child’s reality.  Some children are faced with learning disabilities that extend for longer periods than “This week’s episode” .  Some might say that I’m over analyzing the situation, but I can’t help but think that I would feel alone If I had been a child diagnosed with Asperger’s. It seems that it would  have been difficult to not see anyone who looked like me on television.  I’m wondering is the world ready to see kids who have autism, turrets or who identify as same gender loving represented in children’s programming?


The Halle Berry of Porn: Heather Hunter

The Actress, Rapper, Author, Model, Photographer, and Philanthropist has been on my mind all month-long. I was given the assignment to choose a public figure to do a documentary on, and I chose the legendary Heather Hunter. I love Heather Hunter, because she’s a smart businesswoman. She built a brand instead of  falling victim to the darker side of the adult film industry.  She paved the way for a lot of the new girls by becoming the first black woman to sign a contract with Vivid Entertainment.  Heather was determined to receive the same treatment as her blonde counterparts.  l

I first saw Heather on Pay Per View’s The Peep Show. My curiosity was peaked while watching the scrambled channel and I was determined to see what this woman looked like. I made up in my mind that I would hit the watch button and tell my parents I accidentally sat on the remote. Interestingly enough they believed me lol. I was either 10 or 11 so I hadn’t gone through puberty, but I was entertained through her personality. She was the host of the show and I continued to see her throughout my teen years in other forms of media besides adult film scenes. I heard her referenced in several songs by artist because Heather Hunter’s name is a brand. People always attempt to degrade women in her industry, but Heather defied the odds by making the most of it and becoming the best at what she does. I’m extremely excited to complete the script for the documentary and it’s a personal dream of mine to one day produce it. The research is obviously exciting. Not only do I want to make myself proud, but also Heather Hunter, A woman of many talents who inspired me to never settle for mediocrity.

Leimert Park Royalty: Dom Kennedy

He’s from LA, but he’s far from being “Hollywood”. The OpM records exec is still in the streets submerged in West Coast culture. He epitomizes chill, therefore no kickback is complete unless Dom is thumping through the speakers.  Dom’s not looking to start beef with other artists, ’cause he has nothing to prove. He’s confident in his skills and focused on making good music. He can’t get better because his cadence is perfected.  Dom like lots of rappers talks about his love for women and material possessions, but Dom is a connoisseur of the finer things in life. The “Leimert Park Legend” loves beautiful women, classic sports cars, and fly kicks. He never settles for mediocrity in his music. The lush production on his records has a signature groove that fits his rhymes like a glove.


He reps where he’s from a lot because he’s a product of his environment. He’s not trying to be Down south or East Coast. Leimert Park made Dom Kennedy who he is. Dom brings you into his world and visualizes LA culture through his lyrics.  His songs creep into your subconscious like a drug. He manages to make records with commercial appeal without compromising artistic integrity. There’s no doubt that Dom Kennedy is Hip Hop. He has an appreciation for the “old skool”,which influences the classic sounds of his records. Dom’s not making music for the moment, he’s making the timeless music you’d expect from a legend.

This is just one of  the records that reflects his greatness. Press Play and become Enlightened!

Glasser: An American Treasure

Artist like Glasser don’t come everyday. She takes listeners on a journey to the past, present, and future. The ethereal electronic artist doesn’t cater to Top 40 radio. Call her music Unrestrained Art, because she’s not following any guidelines. Incessant evolution takes place on each of her records with the instrumentation.  The chord changes alone are enough to make you hallucinate about  a utopian society where pain doesn’t exist. Glasser’s Ring album gives you an opportunity to experience the same  sounds her blood cells get to hear as they move throughout their living vessel. Yes, her music is that personal.


What makes her special is her ability to make universal music. It has nothing to do with worldly sounds, it’s because she understands the human experience. The messages in her songs tap into your psyche, not just your heart. Thoughts of the unknown, our existence, possibilities, failures, and successes are all heard throughout Glasser’s music.   As expressed through her songs; she’s a fragile being that can reassemble its self if broken. We’ve not had many artist quite as special, therefore handle with care and appreciate her audible art.

All doubts can be erased once you press play.

Explore India Shawn

Organic is the first word that comes to mind when describing her sound. She carries an essence of honesty in her music reminiscent of  Amel Larrieux, Sade, and, Dido. The singer-songwriter has gained notoriety behind the scenes penning songs for Keri Hilson, Chris Brown, and Monica . India’s 1/3 of talented songwriters from  the writing camp Full Circle.  With the growing trend of Alternative R&B , many artist are purposely neglecting soulful records to gain exposure from young urban listeners. There’s nothing contrived about India’s sound. Her melodic melismas and haunting harmonies can be found on her debut album Origin. 

The genesis of greatness

The genesis of greatness

The Los Angeles songbird manages to blur genre lines, while still crafting a signature sound. Lyrically she reveals vulnerability, exposes flaws, and tackles inner demons. Some may think I’m ludicrous to label her an R&B artist, but I don’t see the genre as one-dimensional.  To me she represents the purest form of it , she’s not trying to be hip- hop or gain street cred. This is music that touches the heart, nurtures the spirit, and challenges the mind.

Do the world a favor and spread the word about her talent.

Odd Future’s Best Kept Secret: The Internet

There’s been lots of buzz about Tyler the Creator and Frank Ocean, but more of the spotlight needs to be shared with trip-hop group The Internet.

Matt Martians and Syd Tha Kyd

Matt Martians and Syd Tha Kyd

Androgynous front woman Syd Tha Kyd  is indeed a lesbian, however don’t expect her to be a feminist. The LA born singer uses just as much misogyny in her lyrics as her label mates. The eccentric singer also serves as Odd Future’s main producer, and she has no problems with their usage of “homophobia” in their lyrics.  Matt Martians is the producer of the project who infuses his influences from The Neptunes, chill wave, and old school hip hop.

Their artfully designed debut album Purple Naked Ladies was released in 2011. The album’s topics aren’t typical, sappy, love-making bullsh*t. The lyrics are well written metaphors that glide through your eardrums like dandelion seeds.   Purple_Naked_Ladies Self-righteous idiots have attempted to brand the duo as supporters of rape, drug addiction, and criminal activity, however I think the sensitive conservatives should just relax and enjoy the music.  Check out my favorite record by them called “fastlane”  The visual for this ear candy was directed by Matt Alonzo.

I’m a fan for life, and I have been for a while. Even though they haven’t reached mainstream success, they’ve still managed to make an impact on the indie scene. Increased awareness of these audible artists is well deserved.

What are your thoughts? Are you interested to hear more music from them?

Kelly Rowland: The Ultimate Doormat

I wish it wasn’t true, but Kelendria Trene Rowland epitomizes a doormat and a lackey. Kelly has made a career out of being a sidekick. Before I go any further let me say some positive things. Kelly Rowland is smart, beautiful, and talented. She’s also an insecure woman looking for validation whose afraid of her greatness. I am not a hater, I say these things out of love. I have been following her career from the beginning. I’ve watched every performance, read and watched every interview, and listened to every record.

Kelly Rowland thinks that she needs Beyonce. She’s always at her best vocally, and performance wise when she’s next to her sister. Even today she still seems to fall into place when around Beyonce, as if she’s the peasant girl. Kelly Rowland doesn’t see Kelly Rowland as amazing, she’s at her best when next to Beyonce because she believes more in the DC brand more than herself. The accomplishments of DC provide Kelly with an ego boost that can be seen and heard from her on stage. Kelly the solo artist lacks the assurance that Kelly of DC3 has.

Watch any interview with Kelly Rowland pre 2010 and notice how giddy Kelly gets when there’s an opportunity to praise and worship Beyonce. She’s also ran to her defense in several interviews as well. Kelly’s never been that passionate about herself. Let’s not forget how Kelly revealed that she was playing all her tracks for Beyonce looking for her approval. *sighs*

Kelly Stanning Out

Kelly Stanning Out

Growing up in the Knowles household definitely played a role in this inferiority complex.  She’s learned to accept playing 2nd fiddle. Kelly saw herself as blessed to be living in the home of  her friend who was the ideal. Kelly had a single mother with financial issues and daddy issues, while Beyonce was a princess growing up in a privileged two parent home. Because Kelly saw Beyonce as an amazing entity she had validation, therefore when anyone tries to come at Beyonce, Kelly becomes defensive because you’re insinuating her validator is flawed. By saying her validator is flawed you’re also insinuating that she may have a bad judge of character when it comes to kelly, and since Beyonce is her source of validation, Kelly sees that as unacceptable. I know that might seem confusing but it’s a sick psychological issue going on. Kelly sees Beyonce as her God.

Tagging Along

Kelly has struggled with coming out of her shadow so she’s attempted to befriend other women that she doesn’t see as a threat like Serena Williams, Brandy, and now LaLa.

Kelly tries to steer clear of being a sidekick, but in all of these situations she’s put their by the media. Honestly, she’s improved a lot recently, now she might  be looking for a man to give her validation.  it’s become quite exhausting watching this. I’m tired of writing about this. It’s sad. My advice to Kelly is seek counseling,  and realize that she  should determine her own self-worth.

Mastering Cinematography

Cinematography is an art form. Any schmuck can record video footage on their smart phone, but few understand how essential aesthetics are to a quality film. Cinematography is key to any silent film, without dialogue your audience depends on the visuals to speak the unspoken.  An example of exceptional cinematography can be found in Ava DuVernay’s “The Door” . Take a look for yourself.

Cinematographer Bradford Young managed to reveal moods, narrate, and highlight the clothes all through strategic use of color and lighting. These shots were porn for me. The talent was allowed to shine through their understated and nuanced performances, but the artistic shots allowed their characters to say so much more.  This is a technique I plan to master.  Hype Williams also mastered this in his 1998 film Belly. I’m so mesmerized by the shots that I can’t quote a single line from the film. Sorry Hype, but you do what you do oh so well.

Any great examples of beautiful cinematography you’d love to share?

Clear Channel Killed The Radio Star

The media company Clear Channel Communications owns and operates over 1200 radio stations, and influences the masses to reject diversity. There was a time when you heard songs that weren’t  just “radio friendly”  microwaveable singles. That time was before the 1996 telecommunications act signed by former president Bill Clinton.  1996 was a historic time in the American entertainment industry for all the wrong reasons. The act made it possible for media conglomerates to monopolize all forms of media. That’s why you hear the same songs and artist in heavy rotation. Clear Channel has created a “cool kids table” in the high school cafeteria that is the music industry. Chances are your favorite artist isn’t welcome to sit there, which means they’re silenced. Some of the most talented musicians no longer have a voice.

Singer Silenced

Radio jockeys and station managers have been robbed of their powers. Once upon a time people looked to their local DJ’s to provide them with the best quality records they approved of. Don’t blame your local DJ, he’s only a pawn, blame Clear Channel. Everything is digital now including radio. Understand that your favorite dj is sent a playlist of songs approved by the big brothers of Clear Channel. They’re not really DJ’s anymore, simply radio personalities pressing the play button. You have to understand that politics play a huge role in what artist are successful. Decisions are made at the top before the song is even released. Most artist aren’t given the opportunity to see Top 40 success, because their records aren’t sent for “adds” at pop radio.  Adele is the same Adele when she released the album 19, but the album 21 saw much greater success than its predecessor because of exposure not quality.

Clear Channel

Clear Channel Communications

Everything is a business. Radio isn’t here for your entertainment, it’s here to collect your dollars. The music industry sends songs to radio to promote records that they sell. Radio plays the records for you to listen for free so that you will be exposed to ads. Advertisers pay for commercial time so you will buy their products. It’s all about money.  It’s always been about money, however Clear Channel has robbed you of diversity. They avoid certain artist like the plague simply because they assume you will turn the station, which means less listeners for their paid advertisers. I’m aware that marketability plays a role, but it’s wrong to rob listeners of quality diverse records. There are still stations that stay true to music lovers, but every day Clear Channel buys them and forces them to conform.  Sadly, I don’t see any of this changing soon. Until it does I’ll continue to steer clear of radio.

Remembering Alori Joh

You may not be familiar with her, but she’s an artist gone way too soon. I discovered her through my love of West Coast Rapper Ab-Soul. His 2011 Control System album  featured Alori Joh’s vocals on several records.  Those records caught my attention and I was curious to know more about Miss Joh. I did a quick google search and I discovered sad news that she’s no longer with us.  Instantly it all made sense,  I now had a better understanding of lyrics from the Control System album . I don’t want to focus on how she left this world, but rather celebrate the art she left behind.

Alori Joh (1985-2012)

Alori Joh (1985-2012)

I discovered The Love Religion EP and I’m amazed at the genuine beauty of the project. Alori’s music is pure with quality lyrical content. Her speaking voice on the interludes sound like cotton candy bliss. I’m choosing to honor her legacy by bringing awareness to her amazing talent.  Aside from her EP, the TDE affiliate can be found on several records with Ab-Soul, Kendrick Lamar, and Schoolboy Q.  Her friends and family knew how special she was and now I do too.  Help honor her legacy  and recognize her greatness by familiarizing yourself with her music.